Material Certifications Guide strives to supply our customers with products that will truly meet all necessary requirements within a wide variety of applications, which is why we are proud to offer PVC materials that meet various certifications that are commonly required in many industrial applications.
*Please Note: Certifications vary for each material, please see the specific product pages to learn which certifications apply to each.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) supplies various materials that meet NFPA 701 testing standards.
To view more information on the NFPA 701 testing standards, please see the following link:

American Welding Society (AWS) supplies weld screen material that is AWS F2.3 compliant, the specification for use and performance of transparent welding curtains and screens.
To view more information on AWS F2.3 compliancy, please see the following link:

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is one of the select providers of clear flexible PVC that meets the most stringent requirements of ASTM E84, Class A.
To view more information on the NFPA 701 testing standards, please see the following link:

California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) supplies material to meet standards for exterior fabrics following the California Code of Federal Regulations.
To view more information on the California State Fire Marshal, please see the following link:

Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 (CFR Title 21 | FDA) supplies flexible PVC that satisfies the requirements of the CFR Title 21, which is reserved for the rules of the FDA.
To view more information on the Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, please see the following link:
Berry Amendment (Title 10 USC 2533a) supplies 100% Berry Compliant flexible PVC material.
To view more information on the Berry Amendment (Title 10 USC 2533a), please see the following link: